Project Appraisals

Making the Correct Decision

The initial inspection and project appraisal service enables clear definition of the project scope and is suitable for undefined projects. With this service, FTS provide suggestions and options (value engineering) for you to consider so you can make informed decisions about your project prior to committing large sums of money.

An Engineer or our Building Inspector will visit and look over your property to assess the situation. This would be a visual inspection only – with verification measurements only but no invasive works.

There are two types of project appraisal:

Design Appraisal

The service covers up to 2 hours professional time on site for the first meeting and site inspection with you, a professional written project appraisal report providing design suggestions and options for you, building approval requirements and vehicular travel to site from our nearest operation centre. We send the report to you by email within ten to fifteen business days. No design calculations or order of magnitude budget estimates for the works is included in the fee. The initial inspection and services investigation enables FTS to obtain an understanding of how the structure is founded (footings, retaining walls, ground conditions) and how the property is serviced (water, sewer, gas, power, communication, drainage).

At the initial meeting, you may request some preliminary design and cost budget as part of the investigation to be included in the appraisal for an extra fee.

Engineering Design Services

Following a Design Appraisal, FTS will work with you to prepare a return brief defining the scope of engineering and any specialist services needed. From the brief, a budget for specific items and deliverables, and a progress payments schedule can be provided.

Forensic Appraisal

The service covers up to 2 hours professional time on site for the first meeting and site inspection with you, vehicular travel to site from our nearest operation centre, and up to 2 hours desk based research using online databases (such as Geoscience, Nearmap, Government GIS, LIDAR and other sources), a professional written project appraisal report identifying the likely cause of damage and provide repair suggestions and options for you, plus advice on necessary building approval requirements.

FTS need to establish the history of the structure, how it is built and when and whether it has been subject to any specific events during its life (natural events like flooding or earthquake, alterations, additions, or accidents) and subsequent repairs. The initial inspection and services investigation enables FTS to obtain an understanding of how the structure is founded (footings, retaining walls, ground conditions) and how the property is serviced (water, sewer, gas, power, communication, drainage). This understanding is paramount for understanding the likely cause of the damage and preparing a clear definition of the project remedial work scope. With this service, FTS provide suggestions and options for you to consider so you can make informed decisions about the remedial works for your project prior to committing to the repairs and making sure you get value for money.

FTS also offer a full forensic investigation service and may be more suited to your situation which is explained fully in the Forensic Engineering Service page.

Fees vary depending on the extent of the problem and its complexity as each site is different in topography, soil types, structural types, and history. We send the report to you by email within ten to fifteen business days once the cause of the problem is determined. If required, detailed design calculations and order of magnitude budget estimates for the works may be included within our scope and the report.


Please call us on 0431 007 313 or go to the contact us now page to fill in our Inquiry Form.